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Win a bottle of Trinity25 - the lower kcal Session Gin

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Simpson, Bexhill-on-Sea

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

R Kelly, Sunderland

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

S Casey, Stoke-on-Trent

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

M Cross, Epsom

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin


A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

C Wilkinson, Bradford

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin


A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

C Shelley, Sunderland

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

C Pearson, Tewkesbury

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

H MacIntosh, Isle of Benbecula

A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin

Win a lower calorie, award-winning gin! 

Do you love a delicious gin but wish you weer able to enjoy a little more before you hit your limit? Or wish there was a lower calorie alternative? Perhaps you want to moderate your drinks without missing out on all the fun? 

Trinity25, the first of our Session Spirit range, gives you the best of both worlds. We combine award-winning taste anf flavour with a lighter alcohol content (25% abv) so you can enjoy TWICE as much before hitting your alcohol or calorie limits.

So whether you want to cut back on your alcohol intake without sacrifice, lower your calorie intake when enjoying a cocktail or four, or you just wish you had a more refreshing-tasting gin, enter this competition to grab your bottle of Trinity25. 

35 kcal  | Vegan | Gluten Free| No Carbs | No Sugar

Gin-based Session Spirit with the following botanicals infused: Juniper, Cardamom, Black Pepper and Coriander Seed.


Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 06/10/2023.


A bottle of Trinity25 Sesssion Gin x10