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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win Rexaline Labs Skincare Bundle worth over £240

The Rexaline Labs Crystal Bright collection worth over £240

3 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

G Ware, Canterbury

The Rexaline Labs Crystal Bright collection worth over £240

C Dakota, Telford

A 3 Piece bundle from Rexaline Labs worth over £140


A 3 Piece bundle from Rexaline Labs worth over £120

Rexaline Labs Crystal Bright Collection

Discover the glass skin maker.


Perfect skin is crystalline skin: bright, smooth and even. Rexaline's laboratories are inspired by metagenomics to develop Crystal Bright, an unprecedented skincare line to enable your skin to capture and reflect the light from all angles.

Triple visible efficacy and triple protective effect thanks to the 3BRIGHT ACTIVE complex with BVF Gallic Acid.

The winner will receive the full Crystal Bright Collection worth over £240 which includes a lotion, serum, face cream, and two primers. 

To enter, simply answer the following question. Good luck!

Bundle contents:

Prize 1: 

- Pure Glow Lotion
- Bright Focus Sérum
- Perfect Reflect Crème
- Light Shield SPF50+ Fluide
- Divine White SPF30 Fluide

Prize 2:

- Pure Glow Lotion
- Bright Focus Sérum
- Perfect Reflect Crème

Prize 3:

- Pure Glow Lotion
- Perfect Reflect Crème
- Divine White SPF30 Fluide

For more product information, please visit the Rexaline Labs website.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/04/2023.


The Rexaline Labs Crystal Bright collection worth over £240 x1
A 3 Piece bundle from Rexaline Labs worth over £140 x1
A 3 Piece bundle from Rexaline Labs worth over £120 x1