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Win a Polished London kit worth £250

Polished London Kit

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


Polished London Kit

S Porter, Nottingham

Polished London Kit

Redefining Oral Beauty
Polished London is leading the way in oral care, offering a wide range of Vegan and PETA - approved cruelty free teeth whitening and oral care products for your daily routine.

Polished London has taken the world of at-home teeth whitening and oral care by storm. Dubbed the celebrity go-to brand for oral
beauty, we are a firm favourite to influencers and beauty editors. Our passion is creating amazing products that provide innovative
and exciting ways to care for your smile at home. Our entire range of teeth whitening and oral care products is clinically proven and
has been uniquely developed and carefully formulated by cosmetic dental experts in the UK, using a combination of the latest dental
technologies with clean, naturally derived ingredients for the complete oral beauty routine.

Cosmopolitan readers can grab an exclusive 20% off, with cosmo20

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/12/2022.


Polished London Kit x2