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Win an Artisan Espresso Machine and Coffee Grinder

1 x Artisan Espresso Machine and 1 x Coffee Grinder

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

H Galsworthy, Didcot

1 x Artisan Espresso Machine and 1 x Coffee Grinder

Your daily grind is about to get a welcome makeover. The NEW Artisan Espresso Machine is the latest addition to the iconic KitchenAid collection, delivering the perfect, barista-quality espresso shot after shot in the comfort of your own kitchen.

The dual, smart temperature sensors maintain optimum brewing temperature throughout, while the low-pressure pre-infusion and 15-bar Italian pump slowly and steadily add water to the ground coffee to guarantee the perfect shot with good ‘crema’ - the creamy, light-coloured surface of an espresso - in no time.

Designed with a flat base portafilter (for the coffee grounds) and two recessed spouts to enable stable tamping (compressing the coffee grounds), a clever dose selector enables a single or double shot to be selected at the touch of a button.  You can also programme your preferred shot size.  Fast-heating Thermocoil technology heats up the water to ideal brewing temp in less than 45 seconds.  The steam wand both expertly froths milk for cappuccinos or lattes and dispenses hot water for Americanos or tea. 

With the Artisan Coffee Grinder, you can choose your grind size to match your own taste. 

The sturdy metal body and sleek, compact design of the NEW Artisan Expresso Machine and the Coffee Grinder make a handsome couple displayed on the work surface. 

One lucky winner can choose the Artisan Espresso Machine (RRP £449) from four colours including Almond Cream, Candy Apple, Cast Iron Black and Stainless Steel, plus an Artisan Coffee Grinder (RRP £199) in either Almond Cream, Candy Apple, Matte Black or Charcoal Grey.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 07/06/2022.


1 x Artisan Espresso Machine and 1 x Coffee Grinder x1