The 28-Day Body Blitz

Pick up your exclusive fitness and diet programme, free with The Telegraph on Saturday, January 10 and Sunday, January 11, 2015.

Transform your body with our bespoke and comprehensive fitness plan that will help you shed the Christmas pounds without having to visit the gym or buy expensive equipment.

Olympic athletes Sally Gunnell and Jonathan Edwards bring you an easy-to-follow plan that is suitable for everyone from complete beginners to fitness fanatics. This fantastic duo will help you get fitter, leaner and slimmer in no time at all.

The four-week programme, split over two 40-page booklets, includes a mix-and-match approach so you can tailor the plan to suit your body and lifestyle. Take advantage of the following:

• Step-by-step breakdowns for each exercise so you know exactly what you're doing

• Illustrations for each exercise

• Advice on choosing the right food to aid sleep, memory, blood pressure and joints

• Sally Gunnell’s guide to running your first 5km race

• Jonathan Edwards' guide to preparing for your first cycling sportive

Don’t miss The 28-Day Body Blitz, free inside the Telegraph on Saturday, January 10 and Sunday, January 11, 2015.